How can I set up an appointment?

Please contact me to set up a free 10-15 minute consultation phone call.

What can I expect from our consultation call? How should I prepare?

The purpose of the call is to learn more about each other to see if we might be a good fit. Here are some areas to think about that will be addressed in the call:

  • Your goals of therapy
  • Your previous experience in therapy? What worked well with past therapists, and what wasn’t so helpful?
  • My professional experience and whether it is aligned with your goals
  • Any concerns or questions you have about starting therapy with me

How long are people usually in therapy?

I cannot guarantee with any certainty how long you will be in therapy. The length of treatment is most dependent on what you would like to address. Over the course of our work, we can periodically review your treatment goals and whether you feel our work is effective in addressing your needs.

Is what I share confidential?

By law, I am required to keep your information confidential. There are some exceptions in which I am mandated to break confidentiality and report to the appropriate authorities. These circumstances include:

  • Suspicion of harm or mistreatment of children (persons under age 18) and elderly persons (age 60 and older)
  • Concerns around harm to yourself or others

If you request information to be disclosed to a third party, you would be required to sign a HIPAA form allowing this disclosure. We would discuss the specific information that would be released.

How often will we meet?

In the beginning of treatment we will meet once per week. It is possible to meet twice per week depending on needs of treatment and my availability.

I only want to come into therapy every other week. Is that something you do?

I find therapy is most effective in utilizing weekly sessions in the beginning of treatment. It is possible over time that we may reduce frequency of sessions if you have moved closer to your goals in therapy

What should I expect if I come to you for sex therapy?

In the beginning of treatment we will discuss your sexual history and your goals in addressing what brings you to treatment for sex therapy. Sometimes we might learn that the sexual difficulties may be related to a tangential area such as a past trauma or unresolved body image issues, and the therapy may pivot to those areas in the duration of treatment. Sex therapy will not include any physical contact between patients and myself.

Therapy seems expensive. How can I afford it?

My fees are competitive with other providers in the greater NYC area. I understand that the idea of investing in therapy feels daunting when calculating the costs for monthly sessions. It is best to conceptualize therapy as an investment in bettering one’s long-term functioning and quality of life. Some of my operating costs include rental space, insurance, individual supervision and continuing education in order to ensure that I am providing the most relevant, skilled services to my clients.

Your insurance plan may include out-of-network benefits which can lower the out-of-pocket expenses for therapy. I accept HSA/FSA funds as a form of payment, and this can also help reduce the cost of therapy.

If the cost is too expensive, I encourage you to seek out therapy at a community clinic such as Metropolitan Center for Mental Health (MCMH), Training Institute for Mental Health (TIMH), or National Institute for Psychotherapies (NIP). You may also find a clinician at the Open Path Collective website.

Do you prescribe medication?

Only medical physicians or nurse practitioners may prescribe medications. I am not trained or licensed to prescribe medications. If you need referrals for medication management, I am able to provide names of providers that can help you.

225 W 35th St
New York, NY 10001

(917) 985-9727

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